Friday, May 2, 2008

Week 8 - Mashups and API

It was hard to find a favorite mashup, what with wading through all the fluff and soft porn sites. The one that struck me the most was Weather Bonk. I looked at it because I thought it would be fun to look at weather predictions, radar, traffic, panoramas and live webcams all at once. Lo and behold, Weather Bonk read my settings at NOAA and took me directly to the greater Boston Area. Scary, huh?

Much of the latter half of this course has provoked a lot of thought about privacy. Between the LibrarianInBlack's post about Google and the latest news about Yahoo's privacy issues, I've worried about all the sites I've signed up for in this course. Before creating too much more for my library, I plan to investigate each venue for privacy concerns. Thanks, Gabe, for the list of sites.

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